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Beyond Construction...

A Whole New Way to Serve

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An Expanded Vision 

In 2019 the Cross-Eyed Builders expanded its efforts beyond construction projects with the launch of a new dimension of its ministry. Kim, a trip leader who (together with several others) poured her heart and soul into this ministry, described the project this way:


Imagine an 8'x12’ trailer filled to the brim with clothing for men, women, boys and girls; boxes of household goods such as dishes, pots and pans, utensils and bedding; then add to that 20+ bikes and scooters. All that and more were packed and transported to Williamsburg for this year's trip. 


These items were collected from the generous congregation of New Life Christian Church as well as individuals associated with or attending the trip with Cross-Eyed Builders. They were taken to Kentucky so that we could spread a little more love and joy to the residents there.


The donated items were sorted and sized, a considerably challenging task, and then staged as a ‘pop-up store’ in First Baptist Church's Fellowship Hall (First Baptist is the church we partner with in Williamsburg each summer). 


We invited the families we were serving through construction projects to come and ‘shop’… for free. We also extended an invitation to a local women’s ministry that we had the opportunity to serve last year. Word quickly spread throughout the local area that there were nice, useful items and clothing being given away.


Aside from the items that were transported, we were also blessed with goods to give away from the Christian Appalachian Project. Known in the area as CAPs, we were able to acquire paper towels, hygiene products, toilet paper and various cleaning supplies. 


With all these added items we were able to assemble what we deemed as ‘Blessing Boxes’ to share with the families we were serving. We had enough additional goods to be able to hand these items out to the people who came to our ‘shop’ as well.  It was moving — and occasionally heart-breaking — to witness peoples' responses. One woman broke down in tears when we offered her a package of toilet paper. Hugging us, with tears streaming down her face, she shared with us that there were only a few sheets left on the last roll she had at her home and that she had no money or idea of when she would be able to get more. She could not believe we were here and we were offering her this amazing gift… an amazing gift of toilet paper.


In just 2 days’ time, Cross-Eyed Builders gave away a tremendous amount of high quality, gently used clothing — the equivalent of more than 60 trash bags full! Lots of moms were doing back to school shopping for their kids, getting ‘new to them’ clothes to start the new school year. We also helped a lady and her young daughter, who had been living out of a car for over a month, get clothing and household goods for her new apartment.


We gave away tons of clothes and lots of consumables… but the best part was giving away heartfelt hugs, hope and a little joy. 


“Consider it all joy when you experience various trials because the testing of your faith produces endurance.” - James 1:2



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Tim Madorma

Trip Leader

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A ministry of New Life Christian Church

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